Friday, May 19, 2006

Hurray, Hurray!

So, two weeks after the Great Jabbing Incident of 2006 (aka Amnio) the results are in.

The baby is very healthy and is definitely a girl.

Now, I just need to find an interactive online calendar so everyone can start guessing the Weight and the Date...

Friday, May 12, 2006

I need a secretary for all this...

Okay - I knew that being pregnant meant going to lots of doctors' appointments (yes that apostrophe is on the right side of the "s") and staying on top of insurance matters, I even knew that there were a bunch of rules about what not to eat, when not to dye my hair (which of course naturally grows with these pretty golden highlights...NOT). I was prepared to feel sick, sleepy, fat, hungry, not hungry, grumpy, happy, elated, energized and drained in patterns that don't occur usually.

I knew there would be some growing that was welcomed - up three bra sizes in as many months without surgery and a growing dependence on STRETCH fabrics. I knew there would be some growing that I might not love so much - wider behind and what is UP with my previously perfectly perky little nose?

I am not new to the world of babies and kids, I have babysat A LOT over the years, I helped raise my kid brother (I will leave it to your discrection if I succeeded but at least it was someone else's kid for the first try). I know that they are lots of work and I am savoring the sleep and freedom I have now.

I knew that like becoming engaged, becoming pregnant means you enter a whole new world of stores, consultants, magazines, books, classes, advice from strangers, etc.

But I had NO IDEA that I would need to hire a secretary to manage all of these affairs. I have two doctors - one who is my official OB who weighs me and admonishes me for the results and one who does the ultrasounds and tells me how beautifully I am doing. Why one doctor uses a doppler from 1894 to try to hear the babies heartbeat and the other has state of the art equipment boggles my mind. Why my insurance company insists on keeping these two functions idea.

Okay, so twice a month I see a doctor of one sort or another, then there are lists to make: classes to take or not take, determining NEED v. WANT in maternity wardrobe & baby's layette, planning how a self employed writer can finagle a three month maternity leave, when to have or not have baby showers, what car do I need now that I will have an enormous dog and a minature person.

Seriously, I think things are going to be easier once little Piper shows up! Then its just a routine of feed, diaper, sleep, feed, diaper, sleep, feed, diaper, sleep....with a few more doctors' appointments throw in.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

First Baby Present from Grammy

Groovy new diaper bag! Thanks Mom!!!!!!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

First Glimpse

Hey, it's okay, I can barely understand the picture and I had the help of a trained professional's a guide. The baby's head is on the right, it's lying on its back with its left leg straight up in the air (that's on the left side of the picture).

The doctor was very happy with our progress she said the baby measures about six days ahead of its date, my mother credits my father's genes for this - trying to stay ahead of the crowd already! :)

It's all very crazy! Oh, and yes those buggy looking things on its head are its eyes, it looks a little like 1950's movie space aliens did...hey, it's LA, maybe Tom Cruise sent Scientologists out in the night to make me a pod to carry the true Alien or something weird! He he.

Doctor's appointment ran very late so I used this picture as my "absence slip." My boss is so excited and happy for me. She told me to go home and hug my tummy all weekend.

This is a very good Good Friday!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 that is interesting!

Two big things have happened since I posted yesterday.

(1) I had my doctor's appointment and I really like my doctor, his philosophy, his manner, etc. He says there is a chance that I am having twins so I am having an ultrasound on Friday to find out for sure.


(2) I went to lunch with Philip and Jameson, a farewell lunch since they are moving to Scottsdale next week...and we went to a sushi place and I discovered that there are still plenty of foods I can eat!!! Very happy about that.

More soon, I am sure.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


It's all been fun and games (if being deathly tired and moderately naseaus for three months can qualify as such) up to this point. Today is my first REAL doctor's appointment. I have been feeling great for the past week and a half so that means I really am in the second trimester. But now I am soooooooo nervous for the appointment, don't want to find out what I have done wrong so far.

I have given up all of my favorite foods - martinis, sushi, goat cheese, most fish, wine, deli sandwiches and diet coke. I have replaced them with other favorites - orange juice, anything from Taco Bell and cookies but....

My craving for sushi is getting to be a bit much. I can't have it but I can taste it in my mind. I keep thinking about nice bright thick slices of Toro on a little spot of wasabi and a nice bed of sticky rice. Sigh.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Pat the Bunny!

Baby got its second present today! Another GREAT thing!!!

A book, Pat the Bunny - Fuzzy Alphabet!!

"Aunt Terry" sent it. I was the nanny to her kids ten years ago, now she is planning to spoil mine!

Books!!!!!!!!! Yeah! Thank you Terry!!!!